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Popular Programs

Embrace every facet of yourself, for within each challenge lies the seeds of growth. Remember, stars shine brightest in the darkest skies. Let your true self illuminate the path ahead. - Coach Rona Ghosn

Clarity Capsule

A one-on-one coaching session designed to help individuals find clarity in their objectives, set achievable goals, and map out a strategy for success.This coaching program, known as the “Clarity Capsule,” aims to guide teenagers through a transformative journey of self-discovery.

Goal Setting

Helping teens set clear, achievable goals and equipping them with strategies “Goal Setting Program for Teens” is a comprehensive coaching initiative aimed at equipping teenagers with the essential skills to set clear, achievable goals and develop the strategies necessary to attain them.

Self-Love Symposium

A series of workshops focusing on promoting self-love, body positivity, and resilience against societal judgments. The “Self-Love Symposium” is a holistic and empowering series of workshops designed to help individuals cultivate self-love, embrace body positivity.

Why Choose Coach Rona?

if you're ready to embrace a future where you're not just dreaming but achieving, I invite you to step into this adventure with me. Let's co-create a narrative where you're the empowered protagonist, equipped with self-belief and poised for success.

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Expertise in Teen Empowerment

With her background as a school teacher, Rona has a deep understanding of the unique challenges and pressures teenagers face. Her programs are specifically tailored to empower the youth.

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Personalized Approach

Rona's dedication to one-on-one coaching ensures individual attention and customized strategies tailored to each person's unique journey and challenges.

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Authentic Experience

Rona's journey from personal battles with weight to steadfast self-love, despite societal judgments, offers authentic experience and relatability. She doesn't just talk the talk; she's walked the path herself.

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Unwavering Commitment

At the heart of it all, Rona's unwavering commitment to her mentees' growth, well-being, and success stands paramount. She's not just a coach; she's a dedicated ally on your journey to self-discovery and empowerment.

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