About Coach rona

In the heart of Kuwait, a beacon of inspiration for teenagers emerges, and her name is Rona Ghosn. As a seasoned school teacher, Rona has touched countless lives, but her influence doesn’t stop within the classroom walls. She’s a dedicated life coach, motivational speaker, and a testament to human resilience. From her personal battles with weight to her unwavering self-love in the face of adversity, Rona’s journey is a testament to the power of self-belief. This story, so deeply rooted in genuine self-acceptance, serves as the foundation of her mission to elevate others. But what truly sets Coach Rona apart is her deep-seated commitment to the youth. She recognizes the unique challenges they face, especially in today’s dynamic world. With tailored programs, workshops, and one-on-one coaching sessions, Rona aims to light the way for teenagers, guiding them towards self-confidence, clarity, and self-love. Whether you’re from Kuwait, the broader Middle East, or any corner of the world, Rona’s message is universal. It’s about finding that inner spark, nurturing it, and allowing it to illuminate not just your path, but also the paths of those around you.


To empower and uplift the youth, our mission is to inspire self-love, nurture unshakable confidence, and offer unwavering guidance on the path to a purposeful and passionately lived life.


Empowering every teenager to not only recognize their inherent worth but also to confidently harness their unique potential, thereby encouraging them to bravely step into their best selves.

Our Goals

Our Values

Self-Love First

We believe in loving ourselves as the foundation for all transformations, because self-acceptance is the first step towards empowerment and growth.


Be genuine in every interaction, whether in the social media, or in life, for authenticity is the cornerstone of building meaningful connections and empowering others.


Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Rona’s own journey from being overweight to a health enthusiast epitomizes this.

Continuous Learning

Always be a student at heart. This means constantly seeking knowledge and wisdom to better oneself and those around.

Community Focus

We prioritize the needs of our community in Kuwait and the broader Middle East, understanding its challenges and strengths.


Every individual, regardless of background, has a unique story. We believe in acknowledging and celebrating those diverse narratives.