Clarity Capsule

This coaching program, known as the “Clarity Capsule,” aims to guide teenagers through a transformative journey of self-discovery and goal achievement. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, we will help clients gain a clear understanding of their objectives, break them down into achievable goals, and craft a strategic roadmap to attain success. The “Clarity Capsule Program” not only focuses on the professional domain but also integrates the personal, ensuring that participants can balance and align their various life objectives. It also infuses principles of positive psychology and mindfulness to promote well-being and mental resilience.

Key Features

coaching (1)

Objective Clarity

Assist individuals in gaining a clear and precise understanding of their personal and professional objectives.


Personalized Coaching

The coaching is provided on a one-on-one basis, ensuring that each client's unique needs and objectives are addressed.


Accountability Mechanisms

Establish accountability systems, such as regular check-ins and self-assessment, to monitor progress and maintain motivation.


Resilience Building

Equipped with strategies to overcome obstacles, handle setbacks, and develop resilience and a growth mindset.



Stress the importance of self-assessment and self-correction to foster continuous learning and improvement throughout the program.

Pricing and Packages

1 Session

$ 100
  • Helping you understand and develop healthier emotional responses, resilience, and coping skills, while also fostering a stronger sense of self-understanding for a better outcome

4 Sessions

$ 300
  • For the price of 3 sessions you are getting 1 for free
  • Maximum timeframe to be completed: 2 months

8 Sessions

$ 600
  • For the price of 6 sessions you are getting 2 for free
  • Maximum timeframe to be completed: 3 months

12 Sessions

$ 900
  • For the price of 9 sessions you are getting 3 for free
  • Maximum timeframe to be completed: 3 months

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